Lab 4

Lab 4


The study of tissue

Epithelial Function

  • secretion
  • protection
    • from: bacteria, dehydration, chemicals, etc…
    • multiple layers of physical protections
    • karatinization
    • tight junctions (sometimes desmosomes)
  • excretion
    • voids wasste from tissue to external environment
    • C02 for example
  • absorption
    • eg. intestines, lungs
  • filtration
    • mostly occurs in kidneys and liver
  • sensation
    • corpuscles
    • all special senses have epithelial tissues which support sensory function.

epithelia structure

  • polarity (one side attaches to apical surface, other to basement membrane)
  • basement membrane
    • basal lamina
    • reticular lamina
  • avascularity
  • apical specialization
    • microvilli in GI tract
    • cillia in lungs create movement of materials

Epithelial Classification

  • Cell Shape
    • squamous
    • cuboidal
    • columnar
    • transitional
  • Layering
    • simple
    • stratified
    • pseudostratified

what are pryors patches? patches that survive stomach get sent here as part of lymph system of develop immunity

Here’s a table organizing epithelial tissues by cell shape (squamous, cuboidal, columnar) and layering (simple, pseudostratified, stratified). Each cell includes a description and examples:

Layering Squamous Cuboidal Columnar
Simple Description: Single layer of flat, thin cells. Description: Single layer of cube-shaped cells. Description: Single layer of tall, rectangular cells.
Function: Diffusion, filtration. Function: Secretion, absorption. Function: Secretion, absorption.
Examples: Alveoli of lungs, blood vessels (endothelium). Examples: Kidney tubules, ducts of glands. Examples: Lining of stomach, intestines, gallbladder.
Pseudostratified Description: Not applicable (pseudostratified is only columnar). Description: Not applicable (pseudostratified is only columnar). Description: Single layer of cells with nuclei at different heights.
Function: N/A Function: N/A Function: Secretion, movement of mucus (often ciliated).
Examples: N/A Examples: N/A Examples: Lining of trachea, upper respiratory tract.
Stratified Description: Multiple layers of flat cells; surface cells are squamous. Description: Multiple layers of cube-shaped cells. Description: Multiple layers of rectangular cells; surface cells are columnar.
Function: Protection against abrasion, pathogens, and chemicals. Function: Protection, secretion. Function: Protection, secretion.
Examples: Skin (epidermis), lining of mouth, esophagus, vagina. Examples: Sweat glands, salivary glands (rare). Examples: Male urethra, ducts of some glands (rare).